Top 4 Things Buyers Love in a New Community

Now more than ever before, home buyers are looking for a lifestyle more than a house. Developers are seeing the need to step up with more creative communities than ever before. So, what are buyers are really looking for in a new community? We’ve got you covered!

Neighbourhood Amenities

A huge factor in current buying decisions is the availability of community-focused amenities. With work-from-home becoming the norm, homeowners are freeing up time for leisure activities, and they don’t want to drive to get there.

Parks and Pathways

Green space winding through a community offers a recreational activity, social meetup, or family outing. Add to that the aesthetic that these spaces bring, and we can totally see why communities with loads of green space sell faster and for more than stereotypical suburban areas.

Unique Recreational Options

Residents want to enjoy the places they live year-round, and in a variety of ways. Some favourites that are adding a ton of value for homebuyers are things like adult playgrounds, fitness equipment, dog runs, tennis courts and ice rinks!


This is such an important feature that real estate listings include a walkability score in many cities. The more easily residents can access every aspect of their lifestyle, the more likely they are to support and engage in their community.

Community Engagement

Having a strong target market for a community can make a big difference in the way residents interact and enjoy their lives. Buyers are really looking to feel like they belong and there are a few ways to facilitate this.

Block Parties

Everyone loves a good block party! It’s a great way to help residents get to know each other in a fun and lighthearted way. These types of events often include food trucks, bouncy houses, and a DJ or live music. When held annually, they become a cherished tradition for the area.

Community Events

There are so many ways to celebrate as a community, and starting or sponsoring events like festivals, sports teams, or neighbourhood open houses are great ways to facilitate residents to make meaningful connections with each other.

Know Your Neighbours

Community culture is an important value for many buyers, and there are ways to encourage this in a new community. Start a welcome wagon program, provide community firepits or grills, or encourage locally owned businesses to build a tight-knit community.

Unique Architecture & Creative Streetscapes


Homeowners value the appearance of their community and street, especially when it is unique and different! Developers are pushing the limits of what is possible in design, layout, and sustainability, and the innovators have buyers flocking to their areas.

Trees and Mature Landscaping

Inner city infill communities are popular for their beautiful boulevard trees and usually, access to river valleys. Standout new areas emulate this with nature-inspired waterways to direct runoff, mature tree transplants, and native plants to add harmonious and functional beauty.

Area Architecture and Design

Home shoppers want character not just in their homes, but also in their streets and communities. They want to make an impression with their friends and family, and quaint shopping areas, cool public spaces, and beautiful streetscapes are quickly becoming must-haves.

Character Homes, Please!

Buyers are over cookie-cutter suburbs and postage stamp yards. They want space, privacy, and homes that feel like they were made just for them. There is an increase in demand for character features and custom options both inside and exterior finishes – oh, and brownstones are back!

Access to Commercial & Retail Establishments

We are in favour of communities that have an integrated mix of housing and business. People want to have access to the things they need and love without having to hop on a major road. Bonus points if they don’t even have to get in the car!

The Neighbourhood Watering Hole

Everyone loves having “their place” where they go to enjoy the food and the atmosphere, catch a game, or catch up with friends. In a new community, this means creating spaces that will encourage great quality restaurants, pubs, and cafes to set up shop and become local favourites.

Shopping and Necessities

Home buyers are more likely to seek out areas with easy access to all the things they might need. Grocery stores are top of this list, as well as schools, pet and medical services, and liquor or cannabis stores. Creating self-sufficient boroughs makes for fulfilled and happy residents.

Parking and Accessibility

There is no better way to welcome people to the area than to make it look great and make parking easy! Want to go a step further? How about having access to transit, or bike lanes?

ChalkMark Residential strives to create places and spaces that resonate with buyers and make them want to call it home for years to come. From demographic and psychographic strategy, to building and amenity element configuration, marketing, and even sales; we love working with developers to research, plan, and design communities where people love to live.

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